Life, Posts, Travel

Change-The Vegetables of Life

My husband has been a traveler from day one of our relationship. Our whole story has been on the road going from one state to another, and it still is, for now. However, we’ve come to a lovely respite from all of the new and unfamiliar places and we couldn’t be more excited. Hubby recently received the opportunity to work in Madison, Wisconsin which is very close to his family and my dad who lives in Michigan! How awesome is that?!

It’s also a bit scary.


A 16 hour trip…

I have been on the east coast all my life. Home has never been more than an hour or two from the Atlantic Ocean at any given time, in any given location. I didn’t realize this mattered to me until living in a doubly landlocked state became a reality. I didn’t realize I’d miss the smell of the ocean, driving through tunnels, taking a stroll on the boardwalk or festivals on the beach in summertime. I’m sure there are other thigs that I’ll find out I miss, especially when winter rolls around. Like heat…and snow days that don’t require an entire blizzard.

That’s okay though.

Change is scary, but it holds tons of potential for new experiences I wouldn’t have experienced otherwise! Change might be uncomfortable, maybe even painful but change makes us grow.

So, instead of focusing on the negative, I’m really going to try and embrace all of the positive consequences of moving to Madison. I’ll make new friends, spend more time with the friends we already have here and truly take in everything I possibly can. I bet this chapter in our lives will be the most interesting one, by far.

The only way that’s going to happen is if we accept change.

Have you moved anywhere out of your comfort zone? What did you learn? Leave a comment below and share the wisdom!


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